“The One Minute Manager” is a classic management and leadership book written by Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson. It was first published in 1982, so it’s delivery is a little dated but still contains overall effective management principles in a story-telling format.

The book’s central premise is the idea that effective management can be simplified into “one-minute” principles that can be easily understood and applied by anyone. The authors present these principles through a parable, which follows a young and ambitious protagonist as he seeks the wisdom of the “One Minute Manager” to improve his leadership skills.

The key concepts of the One Minute Manager are as follows:

  1. One Minute Goal Setting: The authors emphasize the importance of setting clear, specific goals. They advocate that both managers and employees should agree on what the goals are, write them down, and keep them short and to the point.
  2. One Minute Praising: This principle focuses on reinforcing positive behavior by providing quick and specific praise for a job well done. The authors argue that recognition and positive feedback are powerful motivators.
  3. One Minute Reprimand: When a mistake or performance issue arises, the One Minute Manager should address it promptly, providing feedback in a respectful but firm manner. The idea is to correct behavior while maintaining the individual’s self-esteem.

Throughout the book, the authors stress the importance of striking a balance between achieving results and nurturing positive relationships. They emphasize that effective managers can build a highly motivated and productive team by using these simple yet powerful techniques.

“The One Minute Manager” offers a refreshing perspective on leadership by advocating for simplicity and efficiency in management practices. It encourages managers to invest time in their employees and to be clear in their expectations, resulting in improved performance and job satisfaction.

However, we heard some feedback from those who read it with us, that maybe the book’s simplicity may not fully address the complexities of modern management, particularly in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape. While the principles are timeless, the book may be seen as somewhat outdated in the face of contemporary leadership challenges.

Reminder also, if you’re looking for some improvement to your leadership style, Key Instincts offers Leadership Coaching and Workshops.

Anyone going to try the one-minute philosophy?  Came across this free option to check out what we’re chatting about, if you haven’t read the book.